Monday, January 20, 2014

Chocolate Caramel Surprise & 7 Layer Seasoned Bean Soup

Yesterday for my hubby's sweet tooth I made the Chocolate Caramel Surprise.  Here are directions for how to make this delicious dessert

I drizzled it with some chocolate syrup to make a beautifully plated treat!  YUM!

HERE is where you can get it!

Meanwhile all day I had the 7 Layer Seasoned Bean Soup cooking in the crock pot.  This was so good with dinner!  I have plenty left over for lunches and even froze additional portions for when my youngest comes to visit!  I thought I had made a blog for how to make this already but did not before. It is super easy! Will do a full blog for it next time.
Here is what you get!  A very nice large portion of each bean!
Here it is all ready to eat (I just added a little shredded cheese to the top)

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